Talk amongst yourselves . . .
A recent study confirmed the long held belief in yoga and in healing circles that meditation decreases illness, inflammation and depression. One thing however that this new study suggests is that people who meditate are also less lonely- further decreasing inflammation and depression, leaving practitioners of meditation in overall better health.
Loneliness is one of those human emotions that all people experience but few discuss. Talking about it can make us seem needy or depressed, and could possibly make us more lonely by alienating us from other people. That said, we all have moments when we feel alone, unheard or situated in a place where we cannot relate to anyone else.
For many years I struggled with colitis in silence- I never shared any real details of the disease with anyone for I feared others wouldn’t understand my plight or would find it boring. Sometimes, I just didn’t want to bring myself down by talking about it. Now, I realize that my avoidance may have been one of the things that kept me sick for so long.
Many people are finally speaking out about Colitis and Crohns Disease and those suffering are finding community through the internet and other channels. Hopefully this will eradicate the notion that people suffering from Colitis or Crohns have to go it alone. Because now we know, this could be one of the important factors preventing us from healing ourselves.