Before you run out the door in the morning, find a moment to make a quick, beautiful, delicious and vitamin-enriched smoothie. Here is one of my favorite gluten-free and vegan combinations – blueberry, raspberry, cacao nibs and coconut. Pour 2 cups coconut milk or almond milk into blender then add ½ tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp probiotics, ½ cup shredded coconut, 1 tsp of cocoa powder or cacao nibs. Toss in 1 cup of fresh blueberries and 1 cup of fresh raspberries (if it’s no longer berry season, try frozen organic berries) Top it off with 1 tsp local raw, organic honey. Blend and pour
Tip 1: Coconut milk makes a luscious base for dairy-free smoothies -just make sure to see our product list for carageenan free brands- or make your own coconut milk if you feel so inspired. Tip 2: Add your supplements or powders into the liquid first so they have a chance to dissolve (see my smoothie boosters) Tip 3: If you use frozen fruit, crush the frozen berries first (I would thaw them first if you have time), and then add your other ingredients.